The Important Things In Life...

To Those That Serve...

As a 'real soldier' (I will explain that one later), I know and understand our nations often overlooked heroes...the ones most people do not give a second thought to on a daily basis...

Those who serve God, Country and Freedom...

Our Veterans...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Untimely Death of a Storied Career

Hey troops!

The Lt crawled out from under his rock! I was hiding out for a bit and 'playing nice' imagine that. we go again...same old shit again...

So, my shitstain Commander in Chief fires a 'can do' guy...General Mac was a 'doer' a true patriot who belived in the cause, and was the squeaky wheel....often ( and yes, they usually get greased...) Assbama, who cant even begin to understand the mindset of his warriors that defend the now Marxist States of America, is quite frankly a shitstain on the face of this earth...the LT has no ambition to do his bidding anymore...

Rule #1: and this is hard/fast, NEVER trust a journalist...EVER... unless he is lying in a pool of blood...and then only MAYBE!!

Hitler fired many of his great generals I drawing any likenesses??? No. Hitler was an insane phsychopath, Obama is just a stupid Marxist asswipe politician...

The similarities I am drawing is that they both managed the most phenominal armies in history...The 'Heer' was epic in training and execution, a real professional force that our own army draws from even to this day...our force, which I believe is the strongest fielded force in todays world is also steadfast in its execution and delivery.

Unfortunately, assanine political leadership often staves military success...and thats my point.

Lets hope we can reach for some successes out of this abyss, as I think the overall scheme of this war will end up a fellow soldiers cannot die in vain...and thats what I want to safeguard. This so called president needs to man up as well and 'build the force' we all know his general disdain for anything military, but hopefully we can hold on for 2 more years and damage control the situation until then.

As an officer in the US Army, I have no problem voicing the needs to be heard and as I have always stated: Fire me if you dont like it!! but I will speak when warranted...period.

Maybe Gen Mac and I can write a book together...LOL!

The machine will grind on...and I will attempt tolerance, but, no guarantees...

I am with my soldiers, for my soldiers and dedicated to my soldiers above all, someone else can worry about the 'big picture'


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