The Important Things In Life...

To Those That Serve...

As a 'real soldier' (I will explain that one later), I know and understand our nations often overlooked heroes...the ones most people do not give a second thought to on a daily basis...

Those who serve God, Country and Freedom...

Our Veterans...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Downfall...

I am politically pissed off today...
Shitbama and his smug look...getting over on the American people with his bogus, fat, bought and never to be paid for health care bill...

I have started to read Lenin, I figure that will be mandatory reading in this country soon enough anyway.

Good old was he elected anyway? Ahhh yes by the fucking idiots in this country that equate voting for a leader of this country with American Idol...stupid uninformed morons should never have the right to vote anyhow...This guy can talk and now he can actually deliver! Debt that is...A crooked Chicago politician that has done really nothing?!?...he talks a lot...people are not buying anymore though...

As an officer in the US Army I am supposed keep my views to myself, to not offer opinions one way or another...blah blah blah....BULLSHIT, I think I still have a fundemental right to speak my mind, This attitude got me in trouble with 'Life as a Citizen Soldier', but I refuse to be held down. Hajbama is burying this country in debt further every day that passes by, and I for one have a huge problem with paying the way for others...Trillions and Trillions I say...keep the presses rolling, we need more and more worthless paper money...Ahhhh lets spend it all!!!

Comrade Barrack needs only green tights and a goofy hat to pull off taking from the ones who earn and giving to the couch mongers, How are we really different from France, Germany, Great Britain etc...we are not...the government has become a huge elephant in the wants EVERYTHING!

So you say, Is the LT a racist? Absolutely not. I hate all asshole politicians equally! They are bought faster than I drink a beer on a Friday night, they love their 'back room deals' for votes and continue to steal the taxpayer NO ONE in this administration...and you must not use violence and threats to fight this...that is reminiscent of Germany 1933ish... GET SMART AND VOTE! vote the stupid and senseless out! send the message that this country does in fact belong to the people.

I and my fellow soldiers defend only the constitution of the United States, Yes, in theory this asswipe is my commander in chief, and it is appalling to me that he can actually direct forces into harms way...not that he is all about that, we fight "politically Correct" wars now...

When this great country uses force it should be swift, with extreme prejudice and decisive beyond doubt...and then we leave?, see ya, figure it out, BUH BYE...You never ever get respect by kissing ass...figure it out.

I am scared for my children...we are staggering down a wicked path that will lead to certain reprocussions not yet known...

Stay Informed People, or risk losing ALL of your freedoms...


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